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  1. B

    Is it dangerous to go to a Fitness Center with this Swine Flu outbreak?

    Do you go to the gym during regular flu season? Yes. This flu is nothing to worry about.
  2. B

    Is it dangerous to go to a Fitness Center with this Swine Flu outbreak?

    Do you go to the gym during regular flu season? Yes. This flu is nothing to worry about.
  3. B

    Why are women (in general) so caddy, petty, and downright mean?

    Schadenfreude. Human nature, not just with women- women are more open about it. I have no idea why. I'm not really like this, only to people who are like that to me in the first place.
  4. B

    I just got a Samsung Rant and I can't figure out how to..?

    How do I upload pics and vids to the internet/transfer them from my phone to computer? And vice versa cause I wanna get some ringtones on there from iTunes...
  5. B

    Am I Physic or somthing... Cuz I can see the future that happens to me...?

    I wouldn't say psychic, that's all very vague and random. You may be in tune with what's going on around you. I do the same thing A LOT. You could always exercise your abilities and make them stronger.
  6. B

    If my Verizon LG Voyager has things that wont work, can i send it in and get a...

    You may want to research to see if Verizon actually DISABLED those programs. My RAZR has a few that are disabled. If not I would take it back.
  7. B

    Today I binged really bad on my diet, but it was on healthy stuff will I

    The "diet" you are on now is VERY unhealthy. When you don't eat your metabolism slows down. You're doing your body more harm than good. Eat healthy EVERYDAY don't just stop eating all together.
  8. B

    Motorola RAZR help??

    You need Motorola drivers you can download them off the Moto website. But a word of warning if it's a newer verizon RAZR you won't be able to load ringtones or music. (They crippled their RAZR's so you have to buy their stuff) If you're just after backgrounds you can go to myxertones and...