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    I just got the at&t Sony Ericsson & It has a signature but it's not autosignature..?

    I just got the at&t Sony Ericsson & It has a signature but it's not autosignature..? I found how to set up the signature but yuh have to do it by yurself on the text. I want to make it autosignature. Does anyone have the phone or know how to do so? It would be fine not having the auto but if I...
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    What kewl features doz the Env2 have?

    • Good battery life, mine goes about 2 days of “average” use before needing to be charged • Full Qwerty Keyboard with separate line for the numbers so no special key to press while using the qwerty • Good speakerphone very loud • Good sized internal screen with options to view things “full...
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    how many songs can the lg vu hold?

    i am about to get to get the lg vu and an ipod touch, but if the music player in the vu can hold enough music i dont wanna get both. so can anyone tell me about how many songs or how much music it can hold?
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    What is usually for sale at a concert?

    I am going to my first concert: Jars of Clay Third Day Switchfoot I wanted some sunglasses or like a zebra stripe purse. Is there anything like that for sale at a concert?? What things are for sale??
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    I need help setting up my first fish tank ?

    I just recently bought a 20 gallon fish tank. I would appreciate any hints and help on setting it up properly and what I need.