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  1. F

    i am interested in getting 15 college credits and i've never been to college?

    Well basically each class is worth about 2-4 credits, the ones with more are usually harder. I would suggest you take a course load of 10 credits to get you used to the whole college thing. I usually take one fluff class for every hard class I take. It makes it not seem so overwhelming. I know...
  2. F

    What should be my game plan for these next few weeks?

    In addition to my leased horse, I am also riding a very overweight fjord in favor to her owner. I adore this fjord, who isn't push button but will mostly do what you ask. I have primarily worked her in the arena, her owner requests that I try jumping her. Alas, I fear that she still weighs too...
  3. F

    Are you an Atheist or Christian? Why?

    Are you just saying that there are no other religious choices besides Christianity? oh, right-o, thats the Christians way of mind, "My way or the Highway" I know you mentioned that you are against neither, but the way you phrase the question indicates otherwise. The less biased way to ask...
  4. F

    Small tires better for icy conditions?

    I was showing my neighbor my new car and I told him how awesome it was at beefing up hills during the icy season. He told me that "it must be those small tires" and I was like.. huh? Any truth in this, or does he still think his truck is better than my lil Toyota Echo.
  5. F

    Small tires better for icy conditions?

    I was showing my neighbor my new car and I told him how awesome it was at beefing up hills during the icy season. He told me that "it must be those small tires" and I was like.. huh? Any truth in this, or does he still think his truck is better than my lil Toyota Echo.
  6. F

    How soon after birth can mother and baby enjoy the outdoors?

    So my best friend and I are notorious for our adventures, camping, hiking, driving around... While the baby was still on the inside, we had no problems continuing these activities. She is Due May 21st. I was curious from those who are experienced with little bundles of joy, when can mother...
  7. F

    How soon after birth can mother and baby enjoy the outdoors?

    So my best friend and I are notorious for our adventures, camping, hiking, driving around... While the baby was still on the inside, we had no problems continuing these activities. She is Due May 21st. I was curious from those who are experienced with little bundles of joy, when can mother...
  8. F

    Best way to clean and oil bike chain?

    Asked earlier if my bike chain could be saved, and there was a resounding yes. It has surface rust, with a bit of rubbing with my finger it revealed the chain. I have some ideas so far, but all have unanswered questions residing in them. first, I have to get the rust off, with what product...
  9. F

    Can you save a rusty bike chain?

    Got a "new" bike, its a nice condition 70's road bike, besides its chain. Its rusty, though it still functions, it has snags where you can feel its not quite running right. I would like to do in-home repair (I still think it has life in it) on it vs getting a new chain. Anyone have any...
  10. F

    Whats the max miles a Toyota Echo can have?

    I love my little echo, The ugly little beast, it gets btwn 35-39mpg. I was curious how long the little echos can push it, 200,000? 250? I know toyotas can go pretty long. I have good maintence.
  11. F

    what do you look for in a picture when looking at horses for sale online?

    I am curious what you look for when viewing online ads for horses, what do you try to look at from the images before you decided to go out and meet the horses. Do you want them in motion? with a rider? a general side view of their build and body? What are main things that sell you? I was asked...
  12. F

    Wintec Saddles and Girths?

    Good morning guys, Just got a very loved (and slighly beat up) wintec all purpose saddle. It came with irons and leathers, but no girth. I was curious if I must match a wintec girth with this saddle, or if any one would do. I am partial to having all wintec gear, but am on a tight budget and...
  13. F

    When biking on a road bike with dropped handles?

    I have a old road bike that I use for primary transportation, it has one set gear... I have been wondering if you hold on to the bottom handles vs the top ones when you ride if you burn more calories from the bend of your body. Sorry for the lack of bike lingo, but I would like to shed a few...
  14. F

    What causes good MPG?

    I have a quirky little Toyota Echo, that gets amazing gas milage. I was curious what causes good MPG, besides good driving habits, which most of the time I lack.