Search results

  1. A

    I am worried about my career and educational future....?

    Right now I am a freshman in high school and I am worried about my future. I want to go into medicine when I am older specializing in either Psychiatry or something else. I am not so good at math and probably finished with a D this semester... But I am really good at science and English. Right...
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    Is this a good benching workout?

    I want to get ready for football next year and also lose some fat that I gained. Right now I am doing about 5-7 reps in 1 set and overall 5-6 sets of 105 lbs. How can I improve this to doing about 150 lbs for a 3 rep max? Should I just keep continuing this workout and see weekly if its...
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    I am doing a survey on religions and political parties...?

    If you would, would you please state your religion and political party or candidate you support. Thank you!
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    Which religion are you and who are you voting for?

    I wanted to do a little survey thing where I wanted to see who is voting for who and who they are voting for in the upcoming US Presidential election? Thanks!
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    How to burn a .exe onto a DVD-R?

    I need to burn a game I made onto a DVD-R so when it pops in the .exe file runs automatically. Which program do i use?