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    Is this the kind of hate speech they may someday lead to violence? Listen to this

    Radio Rant? These Right-Wing extremist want to hurt President Obama even if they have to destroy America to do it. Will we ever be one people? Speak truth to power. Mr. News
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    Barney frank had a gay prostitution ring being run out of his washington...

    Ask Tom Foley he knows all about it.
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    WANTED, Governor Bobby Jindal for impersonating Mr. Rogers. It's a

    beautiful day in the neighborhood? Wont you be my neighbor. Speak truth to power. Mr. News
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    Oh! My! God!, Did Bobby Jindal look like Mr. Rogers last night? It's a...

    ...Beautiful day in the Neighborhood? Wont you be my neighbor? Speak truth to power. Mr. News
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    What do you think the future of the relationship between the US and OPEC will be?

    I hope good, as soon as our economy turns around gas will be 5 dollars a gallon. And we don't have George W. Bush to pucker up anymore. Mr. News
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    Did Sarah Palin go aerial wolf hunting to celebrate her birthday today?

    I heard she was after baby bears this time.
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    What is the hold up on the Bush/Cheney War Crimes investigation? Or is Torture

    considered a recreation? When someone commits a crime we should prosecute. I don't recall all this hesitating when Clinton got caught with his pants down, War Criminals should be Prosecuted if America still stands for Truth and Justice. Speak truth to power. Mr. News
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    Is Sarah Palin still whining about Katie Curic? Isn't that called a phobia?

    Question 1. What newspapers to you read? Answer: ah, all of the newspapers that the put infront of me. i read them all Katie. Question 2. besides Roe vs Wade what other Supreme Court decisions don't you agree with? Answer: We'll of course there is Roe vs Wade. ah, if i'm so privileged tooo...
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    When the RNC has a meeting do they open with the "Pledge of Allegiance" or

    "Barack the Magic negr0"? This is our moment. This is our time. Speak truth to power. Mr. News
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    would Hollywood ever make a blockbuster on the life of Gordon Brown ?

    They should do the life of Dred Scott first. Mr. News
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    Poll: Why haven't all the 9/11 conspiracy theorists mysteriously gone on vacation...?

    9/11 was an inside job. By that i mean the Bush administration received a brieifing form the out-going Clinton administration on Al-Quida and Osama Bib-Ladin and brushed it off as not a critical issue. 3000 people payed with there lives on 9/11 and 5000 American soldiers have payed with their...
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    President Obama, JFK, Roosevelt, Lincoln and Washington, is there a narrative...

    ...emerging here? Great Presidents rise to a crisis. Mediocre Presidents generate a crisis like The financial meltdown, Iraq and Iran/Contra. And especially 9/11. When you treat people around the world like crap they tend to respond by making bad sometimes catastrophic decisions. Civil War-...
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    When you join the gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender and other wierdos cult...?

    When you see their civil rights being trashed.
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    If today its Gay marriage what will tomorrow bring?

    equal rights for people like you.
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    Why do you think this story on politics is important and relevant?

    To quote Richie Havens: freedom, freedom, freedom, oh freedom Mr. News
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    Who is the greatest President of all time Obama, JFK, Roosevelt or Lincoln?

    Please be excruciatingly honest in your answers. Speak truth to power. Mr. News
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    When you are loosing you stay in the game and fight. You don't suspend your campaign?

    Quitting is Un-American. And what does it say to our enemies? Doesn't John McCain know that Iran, North Korea and Bin Ladin are watching us looking for signs of weakness. Looking to see if America will quit when the going gets rough. A President must be able to multi-task. That means solving...
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    Oil prices will keep going up. We knew this during the Carter Administration. But Reagan, Bush, Clinton and Bush did nothing. Now the former Speaker of the House Newt Ginrich has the gaul to say drill here, drill now, pay less. Don't protect America when you are the Speaker. But now that he...