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  1. C

    Atheists, let's pretend that our government insisted that we declare a...

    Buddhism; it most closely coincides with my beliefs. I would avoid ALL other religions.
  2. C

    Atheists: Isn't your presence in R&S like someone walking by a Santa Meet N' Greet

    You seem to overlook the fact that R&S is not a place to practice religion, it is a place to discuss religion. I don't have to accept or believe your religion in order to discuss it.
  3. C

    Atheists: What do you think about fulfilled Bible prophecy. How is that done

    Ever hear of self-fulfilling prophecies? If enough people believe in the prophecy they will look for every opportunity to rationalize its occurrence.
  4. C

    Who would win in a fight, Jesus Christ or Al Gore?

    In a physical fight, probably Al Gore. If the fight required brains, a clump of dirt could beat Al Gore.
  5. C

    Do you believe all things work for the good to those that are in Christ and...

    All things work for good. The same hope you have.
  6. C

    Do you love jesus christ?

    I "love" the christ nature in each of us. Never met Jesus.
  7. C

    Why do christians believe in Christ?

    "Christians" do not believe in nor accept the Christ Nature in themselves, but they somehow believe that because a man called "Jesus" DID accept AND MANIFEST that nature in himself that HE can save them from their Ego and Ignorance.
  8. C

    Do you think more people in 2009 will embrace GOD, and Religion?

    I think 2009 will be a better year in the sense that more people will recognize the Truth.