Search results

  1. P

    The Poem "Annabel Lee" is MAINLY about_______?

    C. Love and Death, duh! Annabel Lee is his love who gets sick and dies.
  2. P

    Dressing up as Ginny for Harry Potter?

    I think a witches hat or robe might not go amiss. It would be more identifiable than just the school kit. I love it when people go in theme to movies. Have fun :)
  3. P

    Poll pink rooksie survey: I wonder if I can ask you to this old fashioned way..?

    Great song, keep posting them anyway :)
  4. P

    Can I ask are you ready for the future?

    OOO Mag, that's a great tune for setting up my evening :) It's nice to see love in the air again :)
  5. P

    Survey..What comes to mind .?

    I'm full thanks :)
  6. P

    Survey:: Do you consdier the dangers of internet dating ?

    Yes I have: Edit - Melia, as much faith as I have in total strangers I've got to admit the odd one out is bound to be a disappointment. ;)
  7. P

    Who do u think is the best dressed celeb?

    Audrey Hepburn.
  8. P

    Why do some Americans give thumbs down to us Brits?

    A lot of Brits give a thumbs down when an American answers the question so why not. It swings in roundabouts. It's not great, but you expect it on the web.