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  1. B

    What about religion is bad for society in general?

    All tax paying citizens are not afforded the same rights under law (gay marriage issue). Medical advances are being stifled due to the stem cell debate. Scientific advances have historically been stifled by the church (read up on Galileo). Attempts are made to stifle education by forcing faith...
  2. B

    Fellow R & S-ers, are you ready to make amends for your serious lack of

    True story... About 3 months after I moved to Tennessee from Pennsylvania, I stopped at the grocery store, on my way home from work. While I was in the checkout line, an EXTREMELY inebriated redneck was giving the girl at the register crap, because she wouldn't sell him more beer. After a few...
  3. B

    since we laugh at most religions and how silly they are, how long till we...

    I've been doing it since I was in Catholic school. Now I live in the south. The jokes just keep getting funnier and funnier.
  4. B

    Why do so many who answer on religion and spirituality claim to be athiest?

    1. YA is a site where people are encouraged to share knowledge. A person doesn't have to be religious or faithful to be knowledgeable about these topics. 2. It's spelled "atheist". 3. It's spelled "seriously". 4. In context, it's spelled "you're". As in: Obviously, you're clueless.
  5. B

    why doesn't atheism create a moral dilemma the way religion does?

    Atheism isn't a club. The only common thread amongst all atheists is the lack of belief in a deity. If it were to create a 'moral' dilema, it would violate the essence of what atheism is.