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  1. M

    ok i just thought this and have u heard rumors of the world ending in 2012?

    The Mayan Long Count Calendar Ends on Dec 21, 2012 - its called the "end of days" it also coincides with our solar systme slipping accross the galactic equator. Some scientists speculate that it could cause a shift in the magnetic poles. But who knows..I guess we'll see
  2. M

    If a Hawaii birth certificate exists, why hasn't it been made available to

    It ahs been provided. The court case pendin is not asking for his birth certificate again. A.The Supreme Court did not ask for a response, Phillip Berg filed a petition to the Supreme Court in which the FEC and Obama have a right to respond to if they wish to. B. The question before the Supreme...
  3. M

    Isn't it funny how the Pakistanis pick up pebbles and call them stones?

    You may be on to something...Known enemies and creating and "enemy of my enemy is my friend scenario" is actually plausible.
  4. M

    Should I take a boat out to Somalia and kill some pirates for fun?

    yeah..good luck. let me know how that works out for you. I'll keep an eye out for your body parts washing up on shore.
  5. M

    Can you be 18 years old to be an over the road truck driver?

    I was thinking about being a truck driver for werner enterprises. and i was wondering if im able to drive at the age of 18
  6. M

    Why does Palin dodge interviews on the issues but goes out of her way for ques. on...

    Beacause she doesn;'t know anything about the issues. She has 18 months total experince - she wouldn't be able to handle Washington