Search results

  1. C

    How to break free from online relationships when it’s all I know?

    When I was a young teen my parents were very strict about boys. I wasn't’t allowed to go out with them and hardly had any interaction with them. I began to use the internet to meet them and learn more about them. I always had an “online guy” who I’d feel attached to and vice-versa. I would...
  2. C

    Does anyone know any really good internet sites to apply for jobs?

    it's hard for me to get out of the house right now but i really need to be applying for jobs; everywhere i look is giving me the run around thing, and i just want a site that i can join or anywhere looking to hire someone with a high school diploma because well i just graduated and thats all i...
  3. C

    celebrity couples costume ideas?

    i need some good ideas for a costume for a couple. some newer couples that are famous right now or maybe people from tv shows or something.