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  1. F

    Yahoo Mail Blackberry can't read? Not user friendly.?

    How can I make it like the old Yahoo Mail Classic. This new one really disrupts my life. I can't read old emails or download old attachments after I search them. Its not user friendly keeps asking me to download FireFox/Safari I can't I'm using a Blackberry 9360. I'm from South Africa but there...
  2. F

    Suv dealerships in california .?

    How many Suv dealerships are there in california???im doing a report and im thinking of eliminating half to clean the skies.
  3. F

    Hollywood Video Question?

    Does anyone know how to get the sticker off the game dics at hollywood video without it ripping.I want to "Replace" my gta 4 lol.
  4. F

    xbox 360 internet help?

    What type of internet can I use for my xbox 360 instead of dsl?I can't find anyone to hook dsl up anymore.