Search results

  1. M

    What are some good teen sci-fi or adventure books about teen girls?

    Anything from the "Fear Street" series by R.L. Stine would probably good. Or "The Door In The lake" is also a good one. You could read "Monster" by Christopher Pike, but be warned, they got some VERY PG-13 scenes in that book.
  2. M

    Riddle: can you figure out this joke?

    Wow, this sure was tricky *Eye roll* You think we don't know how to use google?
  3. M

    I'm Blue, If I Were Green I Would Die?

    You all remember that song called "I'm Blue" by Eiffel 65? Well, there have been so many misconsrtuded lyrics, so points go to whoever can name the most. Example: Instead of the real lyrics, "Da ba de da ba die", someone would think they said "I'm in need of guy" Ready, set... Go! Google IS...
  4. M

    Why don't cats or dogs use computers?

    Lolz, i get it ^^
  5. M

    Hollywood movies dumbing down?

    Actually, I think America has "dumbed-down," so they have to do they same with movies so people can understand them and want to see them. *Sighs* Society today...
  6. M

    What Celebrities Do You Share A first name, hometown and birthday with?

    I was born on the same day as Judy garland [love her!]
  7. M

    Do I remind you of any celebrity?

    Yeah. You kinda remind me of Anchal Joseph for some reason...I think it's the eyes.
  8. M

    whats your fav celebrity?

    Didiayer Snyder: I've met her before while I was at some auditions. She is defiantly nicest and most genuine and real person out there. It was amazing to see how much she truly cares about other people.
  9. M

    Who can name most of the skinniest celebs?

    Cathie Jung. She holds the world record for smallest waist [Holding a World Record makes her a celeb]
  10. M

    WHY, WHY do you buy celebrity gossip?

    I don't. I go into Barnes and Noble and read them for free. Why would I waste my money on it?
  11. M

    Nick Jonas's CELL PHONE number!!?

    That's a land line, not a cell phone. How can he be answering his cell phone when it's not a cell?
  12. M

    Women Strike Back--Response To Women Jokes?

    Q. What is the similarity between a shrimp and a man? A. You can enjoy all but the head. Q. What is the similarity between a dolphin and a man? A. They are both said to be intelligent, but no one can prove this. Q. What is the similarity between a microwave oven and a man? A. They both get hot...
  13. M

    i nned some naughty dares?
  14. M

    perfect man?????????

    The only joke here is that this man doesn't exist. *Sighs*
  15. M

    To be political Correct...this joke is funny?

    ROFL! I love the "1. She is not a 'BABE' or a 'CHICK' - She is a ' BREASTED AMERICAN" one. Hilarious! Star for you.
  16. M

    Riddle me this, Riddle me that....?

    There is no letter "E" in the entire paragraph.
  17. M

    what r some funny things 2 do 2 co-workers? Like pranks...?

    Kidnapped Take an item from the victim’s office (something they use a lot such as a special coffee cup, stapler, pencil cup, etc.). Take a picture of the item and leave it on the victim’s desk (in the same spot where the item was located), along with a “ransom” note. Invisible Ink Go into...
  18. M

    Zahada riddle things.....?

    The answer is hidden on the page. Go find it, silly!
  19. M

    What Celebrity should I like?

    David Cook [or David Archeleta. Whichever.] =)