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  1. B

    how do you create your Cubase music into an Mp3?

    I have just composed some music in CubaseSX (on windows) and would like to listen to it in Windows media player. How do I export/change my Cubase file into an Mp3 or any music format?? @charlie Thanks for the info... i have been trying to export as audio mix down, but absolutely nothing is...
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    in the UK is it legal to drive in someone elses car if you arent on their insurance?

    Let's say the owner of the car is sitting beside you in the passenger seat & you are driving. And you both hold a full valid driving license, would it be legal or illegal to drive this car? And if illegal, what fines could u face, if any?
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    The Gadget Shop,UK .. has it closed down?

    i havent seent his shop around for a while .. but i am interested in buying something from them. I have done a web search but nothing has come up .. Does anyone know if it has closed down?
  4. B

    The Gadget Shop,UK .. has it closed down?

    i havent seent his shop around for a while .. but i am interested in buying something from them. I have done a web search but nothing has come up .. Does anyone know if it has closed down?
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    Am I the only one who can't wait for LOTR EE on Blu-ray?

    well, it may seem so because i have never heard of it before
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    in Hollyoaks has Mercedes got her HIV results yet?

    i haven't been able to watch any of the late night shows this week .. so i am in the dark for her story line i just watched an advert where she says she will be marrying Maliki does that mean they both have HIV so she doesn't mind marrying him?????
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    what is the difference between a bank and a buidling society?

    steve.. thanks for your answer ok, i am not slow but i truely didnt understand it, lol i am unsure of the meanings of shareholders etc .. explain in dumb man terms pls.
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    YOUR OPINION - Do you think its right for gay people to kiss in public?

    no its not, nor should they be allowed to adopt
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    i think a stray cat has died in my garden .. what do it do :s?

    i have just moved into a new house 4weeks ago .. and the neighbours told me they have been feeding a stray cat for the past 6months they have lived there.. which means the cat keeps coming back in and out of my garden to get to theirs for the food now yesterday morning it walked into my garden...
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    what the heck can i search for on the internet?

    i have broadband but part fro reading my emails everyday i have almost nothing else to do on the net now i am thinking, what a bleeding waste!!! .. what the heck can i search on the net?? can i make it work for me? earn money? ... what ways can i make it interesting?????????
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    is it safe to use an extension socket in another extension socket?

    i live in a student house, so i am bared to using all my appliacnes in my bedroom. i only have 2 wall sockets in my room and have many appliances which need to be pulged in at the same time .. computer screen, hard drive, scanner, printer, electric piano, speaker etc (if you are wondering, i...
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    Sony Ericsson K800i: When recording a conversation how do i stop the beeping?

    unfortunatly you cant stop it .. there are no options for this and you and the caller can both hear the stupid bleeping. if they ask about it.. just lie and say its probably a fault with their phone and you dont hear anything