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  1. V

    are the celebrity waist sizes measured different than the rest of the world or...

    ...something? i wear a size 1/2. i was just reading an article that says rihanna or something is a size two and shes just as skinny as i am (if not skinnier). what is the difference in how we measure our waists? what would a size 1 or 2 be in "celebrity" waists......? ohhhhhhhh nvm i forgot im...
  2. V

    how do i deal with this period bloatedness on a vacation like brazil?

    im gonna be in the forest a lot, and i dont have time to just scrub around in sweatpants and sleep like i usually do when im on my period. i also have bad PMS and i get bloated like crazy. what should i do
  3. V

    are fiber one bars good for you?

    5% of daily fiber...140 calories (35 cals from fat)....0mg cholesterol, 2g protein, 10g sugar....... they taste so good and its all ive been eating lately. i try to get my other nutrients (im a vegetarian so ive been eating a LOT of beans, nuts, salad). but today i was at school all day and i...
  4. V

    whats worse? too much tv or too much internet? ?

    if you spent all day messaging doing unproductive things online or watching wasteful tv...........what do you think is worse?
  5. V

    is eat honey healthy in large amounts?

    i eat a lot of honey throughout the day. because of all the sugar i think that it can't be too this true? what is honey good for
  6. V

    my dads gettin me a new phone... should i get a blackberry (what one is the best... what about an iphone? ? by the "best deal" i mean cheapest but i still get most of the things. please be honest i hate going to the phone place they always lie to me =( just cuz they want me to buy their stuff.. anyway i want a good calender, good music, bluetooth, gps, and anything...