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  1. H

    Why do people think atheists only come here to rant and convince others...

    It's mere prejudice. With some bias. I mean, really, if they believe we're going to hell then why don't they just leave us alone? They can "go to heaven" and we can "go to hell" (hehe) and everyone can just shut up. if free will is as free as they believe it to be, I suppose we have the choice...
  2. H

    so my pops has this tendency?

    to randomly call me and ask a ton of questions. "are you hungry?" "are you behind on rent?" "etc." today he did this call (though i was expecting it) and asked all the questions he always does, and then asked about *shudders* christmas. I told the same answer i always do, which is hell no. and...
  3. H

    Can a Pagan Holiday Be Made Christian?

    already happened
  4. H

    Any Christmas greeting ideas to a cousin that's been in jail. Please help...

    if you don't talk to him and are suddenly sending this out of the blue, don't even bother. he will find it pathetic, just as i do. but if that's not the case, just be casual and model it off a greeting you gave to some one else
  5. H

    cockpit is to plane as what is to boat?

    what do they call the cockpit on a boat? I need to know for a book I'm writing