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  1. N

    Do you think the Nissan 350Z is a suitable car for a 19 yr.old male?

    im pretty responsible, my parents are going to be paying for the car as a graduation present. but i'll pay for insurance and gas. I've been driving on my own since i turned 17.
  2. N

    has a portable(handheld)room thermostat already been invented?

    like one that you can control from the comfort of your bed w/o having to get up to change it...
  3. N

    Do alot of celebrities wear shoe lifts/platform/elevator shoes?

    ive talked to people who have met certain celebs and they said they are much shorter in person than they say they are(or at least appear to be on TV)
  4. N

    how tall are these celebrities barefoot?

    *Matt Damon *Johnny Depp *George Clooney *Zac Efron *Tom Cruise *Patrick Dempsey *Kiefer Sutherland