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  1. S

    How can I subconsiously will my room mates to do the dishes?

    I mean, I've taken out the trash a bunch, and I've vacuumed up the room, but I can't be these guys caretaker. I've drawn the line on dishes and they have been piling up and collecting all kinds of whatever. I don't want to be like "Alright guys. I do all the work around here. Someone clean the...
  2. S

    Where do I hit someone If I don't want to leave any marks or bruises?

    I would like to know the places I can hit someone without leaving any bruises or notable marks on their body. Basically, leaving no evidence that they have been attacked. A list would be nice, possible with a technique included.
  3. S

    What are some good PS3 exclusive games?

    I recently got a PS3, and along with it, Metal Gear Solid 4 and Heavenly Sword. Both great games IMO. I already have an Xbox 360 and I sort of only want exclusives for the PS3 right now, but I'm not sure which ones are good or even what exclusives there are. Does anyone have any suggestions?