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  1. P

    how is the trucking business?

    It is hard to make money trucking in the good times. The hours are brutal, the costs can be staggering, and the payoff at the end is pitiful. In bad times it's worse.
  2. P

    Complain About Private Aircraft?

    Check with the local council to see about noise bylaws. You may be able to lay a noise complaint after 10 or 11 pm.
  3. P

    Why is the "religion of peace" (Islam) in Iran sending it's clergy men...

    All religions are equally violent. Try reading the first five books of the bible.
  4. P

    Why is the "religion of peace" (Islam) in Iran sending it's clergy men...

    All religions are equally violent. Try reading the first five books of the bible.
  5. P

    How can people say that Islam is a violent religion?

    All religion promotes violence, read the books. Don't discriminate.
  6. P

    Is Obama part of a conspiracy?

    This is TOO funny. Your tin foil hat is slipping.
  7. P

    Maybe Just A Conspiracy Theory?

    You are trying to make sense out a world that is senseless. You are seeing patterns that do not exist, in things that no one could manipulate. That is like saying trailer parks cause tornados. Read The (Mis)Behavior of Markets by Mandelbrot. Lots of fractal geometry, but good explanations of...
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    Religion based politics?

    At it's most basic, you must ask yourself, Do you want someone who claims to have the ear of God, or do you want someone who can run the country. Although the two are not mutually exclusive, they do not necessarily correlate.
  9. P

    whats the most i can ask a dealer to take off a new 2008 toyota highlander?

    Go tell the salesman what you want, if he doesn't give it, walk away. They are so desperate right now, you might get what you want.
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    Connecticut Supreme Court Okays Gay Marriage ?

    Connecticut Supreme Court okays gay marriage Posted: 12:05 PM ET NEW YORK (CNN) — The Connecticut Supreme Court in Hartford ruled Friday that the state must allow gay and lesbian couples to marry. The decision makes this the third state, after Massachusetts and California, where a state court...