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  1. G

    I just told my mom and big brother that I had sex with my boyfriend?

    Don't be to hard on yourself Yes you probably did the right thing in telling your mom and big brother but they should be more understanding to you you are at a good age to start learning to be more discerning about your body and also what news you drop on your immediate family when I was your...
  2. G

    Fine from police with handheld speed camera?

    it was just a warning but lucky you the police officer gave you a warning yes they can give you a ticket for even one mile over the posted speed limit but even five miles over is not that bad...its just up to the cop
  3. G

    why do people say it's okay to eat meat and eggs and hunt animals?

    because meat and eggs is what is protein and man and women need protein most of the meat and eggs are not hunted down but raised on a farm I was raised on a farm and although my wife of 30 years is a vegan she still cooks meat and eggs for me fish is good too life is not in jeopardy because...
  4. G

    Best way to get a sticker off a windshield?

    So I recently bought a used car, and they have their college sticker, and I'd like to take it off, except it won't exactly come off. I tried peeling it off, but it just came off in tiny tiny tiny little pieces off the corners. Is there any liquid or something that I can use? I don't wanna...