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  1. C

    Are you ready for our new 50 per-cent gas tax hike?

    Drive less and pay more. Obama will add a tax on the new fuel tax.
  2. C

    Who thinks Obama is reconsidering the whole President/celebrity and may wish he

    Poor Obama...the sheep will now understand his failures.
  3. C

    Did the shoe thrower work alone? Rumors of Al Qaida links and shoes of

    Americans will start carrying extra shoes to throw at people. Look at what that guy started.
  4. C

    Has the Obama Birth Certificate Conspiracy now spread to my friend's...

    I won't be embarrassed. I just want to know the truth.
  5. C

    What's it going to take to prove to conspiracy theorists that Obama was born...

    I was born in America and I have a birth certificate, not a "Certification of Live Birth". Where's Obama's BC?
  6. C

    If the conspiracy theorists are right about the Citizen thing?

    No, the government shouldn't allow any further proceedings until Obama provides a birth certificate.
  7. C

    Why are retarded conservatives whining about Obama supporters being stupid?

    We don't whine, we know you're stupid.
  8. C

    BO's would-be appointees quizzed on guns?

    Bad link Dude.
  9. C

    Owners of Legal Firearms, Do You Want To Lose The Right To Your Defense,

    Or Hunting Weapons?