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  1. B

    Mp3 player stopped working?

    The battery is dead. If it is rechargeable, recharge it, if not, put a new battery in.
  2. B

    how do u feel about the return of concord to the skies?

    Sounds like an April fool to me. Making concord fit to fly again would cost billions, I can't imagine anyone would be willing to pay that kind of money to get an outdated aircraft back in the air.
  3. B

    how do u feel about the return of concord to the skies?

    Sounds like an April fool to me. Making concord fit to fly again would cost billions, I can't imagine anyone would be willing to pay that kind of money to get an outdated aircraft back in the air.
  4. B

    was that gas main that "exploded" anything to do with terrorists?

    They're coming to get yooooooooouuuuuuu!!!!!!
  5. B

    was that gas main that "exploded" anything to do with terrorists?

    They're coming to get yooooooooouuuuuuu!!!!!!
  6. B

    Why does a Yorkshire tea caddy look like Dr. Who's red telephone box?

    Dr Who doesn't have a red telephone box, he has a blue telephone box.
  7. B

    what does the expression swimming with the fishes mean?

    It means that someone has been killed and their body thrown into the sea. It's from one of the godfather films.