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  1. D

    I found the "Electronic Cigarette" online. Is it worth the money?

    And does it even have the same effect as a regular cigarette? Here is a link:
  2. D

    Who is your favorite Hollywood actor?

    Johnny Depp It doesn't matter what movie he is... he always seems to be amazing! For example: Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas: He actually LIVED with Hunter S. Thompson (who the movie was based on) for a year so he could know everything about him and to play the part. Depp did an AMAZING job...
  3. D

    Who is your FAVORITE celeb? why?

    Johnny Depp It doesn't matter what movie he is... he always seems to be amazing! For example: Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas: He actually LIVED with Hunter S. Thompson (who the movie was based on) for a year so he could know everything about him and to play the part. Depp did an AMAZING job...
  4. D

    Does anyone know how to change the color on the scroll ball of a blackberry pearl...

    ...from alltell? I was told to go to but I can't find it anywhere!!