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  1. G

    Teabaggers laughed when asked to tone down the rhetoric, now they expect others to...

    ...tone it down? And they have the nerve to talk about hypocrisy?
  2. G

    Why do conservatives love to blame Obama but cry and whine when people blame Bush?

    Why do they act like the right has never done anything harmful to this country?
  3. G

    Why don't teabaggers have a sense of humor?

    Also I thought they respected freedom of speech, why do they report questions that mock them?
  4. G

    What was the deal with Beck's hysterical rant on the coming Islamic caliphate?

    He wants more money and ratings, basically he's a whore, except that a whore is at least honest on how she makes money.
  5. G

    Why do liberals whine about Rush?

    He mocks people with Parkinson's disease for money and rating.
  6. G

    In 2012, the economy hasn't improved, will cons forget that republicans were...

    ...responsible for the extensions? and just blame Obama?
  7. G

    Does using the word "teabaggers" make liberals feel funny, creative,...

    Would you prefer I just go back to calling you guys conservative republicans then?
  8. G

    Why do liberals whine a lot?

    How is this not whining?
  9. G

    Liberals: Are you even defending Obama for his handling of this cruise ship

    I didn't realize a broken down engine was part of the president's responsibilities.
  10. G

    Why is Glenn Beck always ranting about George Soros?

    Beck is a whore for money and ratings and will say anything to sell overpriced crap to his gullible and stupid audience.
  11. G

    Will conservatives ever stop whining like a bunch of pathetic children?

    Christ they literally just won a marginal victory last week, and yet they're still complaining. Will they ever get all that sand out of their vaginas?
  12. G

    Do Republicans forget about Bush creating DHS and medicaid part D, when they...

    No see they'll claim that he wasn't a conservative and was really a RINO, even though he ran as a conservative, twice, and openly admitted he was a conservative.
  13. G

    Why doesn't Rush do any fact checking before he starts to rant like an idiot?
  14. G

    Can we just stop arguing over whose imaginary friend is best already?

    Can we just stop comparing whose magical invisible sky daddy is best and deal with issues that actually matter?
  15. G

    Why did Al Sharpton's rally yell and rant about Glenn Beck's rally?

    Christ, stop dick riding Glenn Beck already. He doesn't give two shits about you.
  16. G

    Why do you never see $100 million+ multimillionaires and billionaires complain

    Because taxes to them are like a drop in the bucket. They spend more on cars and houses.
  17. G

    Conservative Bible Project? Are they serious?

    It's that whole, "Love thy neighbor" and "Turn the other cheek" thing that conservatives have a problem with.
  18. G

    Conservative Bible Project? Are they serious?

    It's that whole, "Love thy neighbor" and "Turn the other cheek" thing that conservatives have a problem with.
  19. G

    Can any of you explain what "Cap and Trade" actually means?

    A company who adopt green technology or ecologically friendly policies can get a credit, if they make enough credits they can sell it to another company so that they can reach their quota. It's a means of trying to get companies to convert to green technology while providing a revenue stream...