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  1. H

    Poll: ANSWER: Love is _________?

    many things
  2. H

    Beauty&Style: Who is more your type?

    the rocker guy is very attractive, he's my kind...I like rocker/skater kinda guys. I give him a 9
  3. H

    I'm really shy and can't tell anyone I meet my name unless they ask or tell me their

    hey. I also have that problem sometimes and I wish I knew how to become more outgoing but I can't...sorry :(
  4. H

    When you feel so pathetic and hopeless?

    How could killing oneself be hard? I thought dying was easier than living...
  5. H

    When you feel so pathetic and hopeless?

    How could killing oneself be hard? I thought dying was easier than living...
  6. H

    stupid Sprint contract?

    So im in a stupid contract for sprint. But i want to switch to verizon. Is there any way i can do that without waiting untill my contract expires ( it's in like 3 years) and without paying a while lot of money to get out of it? thanks