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  1. C

    Have you heard that anti-OWS cons are spreading rumors blaming OWS -- and

    Doesn't surprise me. Fits with a strategy that's willing to spend millions to keep greed safe.
  2. C

    Does it make sense that the Tea Party, comprised mainly of baby boomers, would

    The Tea Party is the last remnant of the division of the country during the Vietnam war. Same factions, different arguments. They're not paying attention to the consequences of what they're saying or they'd realize their Social Security is at risk. Not to mention Medicare.
  3. C

    If racism wasn't a component of the demonstration in DC why did so many people

    see it that way? Okay all of you: What was it that looked racist to so many people? Including a southerner who is a Nobel Prize Laureate? So, nobody on here seems to see the difference between signs and slogans about policy and signs and slogans that bring up images of violence, hatred and...
  4. C

    If racism wasn't a component of the demonstration in DC why did so many people

    see it that way? Okay all of you: What was it that looked racist to so many people? Including a southerner who is a Nobel Prize Laureate? So, nobody on here seems to see the difference between signs and slogans about policy and signs and slogans that bring up images of violence, hatred and...
  5. C

    Should we have laws giving full human rights only to people who are fully Homo...

    I gotta say this sounds pretty darn racist. And there was a study a few years back that demonstrated that the Neanderthals probably mixed with Homo sapiens sapiens in central Europe. So if you're thinking "Aryan" not being Neanderthal, think again. Then rethink this whole question.
  6. C

    Should I tell him I want to ?

    Your brother in law sounds like a figment of your imagination. sorry.
  7. C

    Why does it seem Liberals fear those with a different opinion?

    Now that's interesting, since I feel exactly the same way about the folks on the right when they respond to Liberals on this site. So maybe there are just a lot of people on this particular site who like to resort to attacks and name calling. Which you have resorted to in your question, for...
  8. C

    Why does it seem Liberals fear those with a different opinion?

    Now that's interesting, since I feel exactly the same way about the folks on the right when they respond to Liberals on this site. So maybe there are just a lot of people on this particular site who like to resort to attacks and name calling. Which you have resorted to in your question, for...
  9. C

    Why is it that those who complain about the attacks on Palin...?

    And golly, Obama hasn't even been annoyed by all of that!
  10. C

    Has Cap & Trade worked ANYWHERE it has been tried?? What about "green energy"?

    Cap and trade worked right here in the USA to reduce acid rain. Check it out. Fact.
  11. C

    Has Cap & Trade worked ANYWHERE it has been tried?? What about "green energy"?

    Cap and trade worked right here in the USA to reduce acid rain. Check it out. Fact.
  12. C

    Has Cap & Trade worked ANYWHERE it has been tried?? What about "green energy"?

    Cap and trade worked right here in the USA to reduce acid rain. Check it out. Fact.
  13. C

    Could someone E-mail the dumb-bell, -Obama-.....?

    If you're talking about the president, why don't you email him yourself? You can do that at, and at
  14. C

    Is Nancy Pelosi's Salt Marsh Harvest mouse worth our grandchilden's future?

    I can tell you one thing for sure: a degraded environment will leave your children without any kind of future at all. If that means saving the salt marsh harvest mouse, so be it. Air, plants and water have to win over money or there will be no place for your grandchildren to live.
  15. C

    Who thinks there are too many people treating the president like a

    The president is both. All presidents are both.
  16. C

    What is Zionist-cum-CIA conspiracy?

    A Zionist-CIA conspiracy is the the fantasy of people who don't like Zionists or the CIA. There is no such thing. The reasons the US government supports Israel is far less doctrinaire, and didn't have much to do with the invasion of Iraq, which was about oil.
  17. C

    In politics: Eye for eye, tooth or tooth? Do you think India also should do it? ?

    Sounds like you've just gone ahead and decided who was responsible for the terrorism in Mumbai. Good for you. Better contact the authorities around the world, because they're still trying to figure it out for sure. (I heard one theory today that Al Qaeda might have done it just to get India...
  18. C

    Why Do "Conspiracy Theorists" Bother so Many, But Secret Trials, Gov't...

    Thank you. Why invent a basis for paranoia when there's so much reality to be paranoid about?
  19. C

    Why is Obama promoting "Green" and driving a huge SUV gas guzzler?

    Obama is using the armored transport that all presidents use.