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  1. X

    What's a good t-mobile phone?

    My friend has the Behold and its awesome. and is has the best camera ive ever seen 5.0 which is like practicly a digi camera but it doesnt have keyboard.
  2. X

    Is T-mobile ripping me off?

    everytime you get a bill with something extra on it call them and do what it takes to get it lowerd even if you gotta cuss them out! if not, switch compannies.
  3. X

    If I buy a Samsung Behold from T-Mobile, Is it the same price as If i get

    if you want the phone prepaid, you will have to pay the full price for the phone which is like 500 dollars or something... if you get it with a two year contract, its cheaper like 200 dollars then you get 50 back in the mail.
  4. X

    I'm confused with my new Wii?

    So my mommy just bought me a new Wii for christmas (iloveher&it) but i have a few questions. I connected to the internet with my Netgear, but when i went to shop, it said its 500 WiiPoints for internet. So my two questions are : 1.) Do I have to buy WiiPoints, or can I earn them by playing...
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    Fun Dance Routine that will be a workout?

    AYYY MACARENA!@#$%^& or turn on i like to move it move it, and you'll just start dancing.
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    Which one: The LG Lotus or the Samsung Rant?

    the lotus, sounds better for you. also, the lotus is cool and looks weird in a goodway, i think all your friends will be jeleous.
  7. X

    LG Dare or LG voyager?

    I originally wanted the Quickfire. But I have no ones name to put it in, so my added me onto his plan. He is verizon though. So I decided i want either the lg dare or lg voyager. i can only spend 150$. what are the pros and cons? my dad has the dare and he says it keeps freezing up and he has...
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    Please help me i dont know what to do?

    I got a sony cybershot 7.2 megapixels for christmas 2007. I had my camera up on my friends dresser the mirror part, with the lens out. the camera fell and hit the dresser part and the lens got jammed. when you turn it on it says please power on and off. i have done that several times. i have...