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  1. I

    Why didn't anyone complain so much when Bush spoke to school children?

    It's called having respect no matter who the President is or what party they are affiliated with. I would never disrespect our country's leader like these people are with Obama. It's disgusting.
  2. I

    A question for religious politics......has Obama replaced Christ.....?

    No. Only Republicans spew that crap.
  3. I

    why are you on yahoo politics section?

    I'm writing a book about the severity of Republicans with mental illnesses in this country.
  4. I

    REPUBLICANS, the "economy" is picking up in spite of all the chaos, so

    Yes, I agree. I think once Spring hits, we are all going to see even more positive changes. We're gonna be fine ;)
  5. I

    How many libs out there support abortion on demand, gay...

    Well lets see, I'm a liberal Dem, an Irish Catholic, pro-choice, pro-marry anyone that you want, and believe God put us here... I guess you have to decide what you think. All I know is, I could care less what anyone thinks about my views.
  6. I

    Have you lost respect for any celebrities who have spoken out about politics?

    They are people too, ya know? Probably smarter than you give them credit for. Where are they and where are you? Yeah, chew on that for a few minutes.
  7. I

    paying for a gym membership?

    $70. A start up fee is a one time fee. So what ever your monthly fee is, is all you will pay a month thereafter. You don't pay the sign up fee again. But make sure as all gyms are different. (it is usually cheaper to pay by the year if you can)
  8. I

    Chrysler executives get $30 Million in bonuses while asking for bail out help ! Your

    At this point, who cares. There is nothing we can do about any of this. It is out of our control. I have better things to worry about.