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  1. C

    Can somebody help me with the introduction for my essay on smoking?

    Just over four thousand soldiers have died in 7 years of fighting in Iraq and Afghanistan. Many people find this number shocking and brutal, but what if 437,900 soldiers had died?
  2. C

    how do these female celebs EACH rate on a scale from 1-10?

    1) Jennifer Love Hewitt 2) Ashley Tisdale 3) Hayden Panatiere 4) Kristen Bell 5) Sarah Chalke 6) Blake Lively 7) Amy Adams 8) Anne Hathaway 9) Brenda Song 10) Carrie Underwood sarah chalke is the blonde in Scrubs Brenda Song was in Wendy Wu Homecoming Warrior and Zach and Cody
  3. C

    Which of these celeb pranks would be good for April Fool's?

    A) Nair in Mariah Carey's shampoo B) Itching powder in Kim Kardashian's panties C) Hide Bill Kaulitz's make up and hairspray D) Super-glue in Miley Cyrus's Hannah Montana wig E) Laxatives in Donald Trump's caviar
  4. C

    Who are some overweight female celebs between age 16-30?

    I can only think of Adele, Nikki Blonsky, Khloe Kardashian (though her celeb status may be questionable), and Jennifer Hudson. Do female celebs pretty much have to be thin to be successful with rare exceptions?
  5. C

    Do you remember when the NWO conspiracy theorists were saying the UN was...

    ...going to confiscate our guns? this was in the 90s
  6. C

    How much longer will prediction of the New World Order and one

    government theory survive? - in the 50s, a fringe group accused the Girl Scouts of promoting the "one world" ideology or the New World Order! In the 90's the UN was supposed to forcibly disarm US citizens. Never happened. At the...
  7. C

    What celebrity deserves an April Fool's prank: name the celeb and the prank?

    I'd put Nair in Mariah Carey's conditioner
  8. C

    Do you remember when the NWO conspiracy theorists were saying the UN was going... confiscate our guns? this was in the 90s
  9. C

    Who are some overweight female celebs between age 16-30?

    I can only think of Adele, Nikki Blonsky, Khloe Kardashian (though her celeb status may be questionable), and Jennifer Hudson. Do female celebs pretty much have to be thin to be successful with rare exceptions?
  10. C

    How much longer will prediction of the New World Order and one

    government theory survive? - in the 50s, a fringe group accused the Girl Scouts of promoting the "one world" ideology or the New World Order! In the 90's the UN was supposed to forcibly disarm US citizens. Never happened. At the...
  11. C

    What is more likely to happen in the near future?

    A) a deep south state elects a black governor or US senator B) blacks (a majority in the state/district) vote for a black or white republican or white democrat over a black democrat for senator, congressman, or governor. C) NEITHER will happen in the near future.
  12. C

    how do these female celebs EACH rate on a scale from 1-10?

    1) Jennifer Love Hewitt 2) Ashley Tisdale 3) Hayden Panatiere 4) Kristen Bell 5) Sarah Chalke 6) Blake Lively 7) Amy Adams 8) Anne Hathaway 9) Brenda Song 10) Carrie Underwood sarah chalke is the blonde in Scrubs Brenda Song was in Wendy Wu Homecoming Warrior and Zach and Cody
  13. C

    What celebrity deserves an April Fool's prank: name the celeb and the prank?

    I'd put Nair in Mariah Carey's conditioner
  14. C

    Other than cigarettes, should we excessively tax cheap wine/beer too?

    I'm tired of seeing the homeless and people on taxpayer assistance using these products! college kids would get a waiver for cheap beer!
  15. C

    Which of the following is most likely to happen in the near future?

    A) GOP nominating a pro-choice candidate for president B) Democrats nominating a pro-life candidate for president C) Deep south state electing an African-American senator or governor D) African-Americans supporting a white democrat over a black democrat by a majority for congress, senator, governor.
  16. C

    Why do Libertarians complain about spending and big government since no... over the past decade has listened? GOP - spent money like mad and expanded the fed gov Democrats -spending money like mad and want to expand the fed gov
  17. C

    Which of these celebrity endorsed products would be the worst?

    A) Donald Trump hair care system B) Bill Kaulitz feminine pads C) Lindsay Lohan purity rings D) Michael Jackson clothes for young boys
  18. C

    Early predictions for 2010: status quo, back to the GOP, change to 3rd... emergence in congress? will we stick with Pelosi, Reid, Frank, Dodd, etc? will we go back to the GOP? will a few 3rd party candidates get in to shake things up?
  19. C

    Is the all emphasis on how bad things are in the economy a self fullilling prophecy?

    It's one thing for the media to give us numbers and figures on GDP, unemployment, wages, foreclosures, the Dow, etc, but then they have to keep giving us depressing stories about people who are laid off, moving back in with parents, etc as if we don't know that people are hurting without it...
  20. C

    Are podcasts broadcast directly to iPods?

    I don't own an iPod, but there are some radio shows I'd like to receive the podcasts from.