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  1. H

    Question about the iphone.... Well a few?

    1 . If you buy unlimited text on you cell phone plan . 2. If you buy unlimited talk time on you cell phone plan . 3. The camera , press the camera button . 4. No and plus theres newer and better phones out there now try a blackberry storm its about 10x better trust me i own it now . 5. Amazon...
  2. H

    lg vu vs samsung eternity?

    i cant decide which one i like better. they both seem like they are very good phones but i dont know which one is better. ive read reviews on the AT&T website for both of them. ive watched the CNET reviews on both of them. and i still cant decide. i need help. Samsung Eternity: cnet review...
  3. H

    ringtone help please?

    is there a website where i can buy a WHOLE song i forgot to mention its for my cell phone