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  1. R

    Safe from Bisexuals in Chicago?

    What are you talking about? No you wont b/c no-one will have a clue what your saying.
  2. R

    What are the different types or classes of motorcycles... Cruisers,

    Sports Bikes, Choppers, etc.? I was curious what the different types of classes of bikes there are both today and historically. Today obviously sport bike, chopper, cruiser, touring, what else? Also, in the past it seems there werent as many choices were there? Would Cafe Cruiser be like an old...
  3. R

    Why is the religion section of YA so full of people insulting and

    offending religious people? If you don't have any religious beliefs more power to you. Personally I'm not especially religious myself maybe go to church once a year on Christmas just to please my mother, however I can't help but notice this section is full of people calling religious people...
  4. R

    What are the different types or classes of motorcycles... Cruisers, Sports...

    ...Bikes, Choppers, etc.? I was curious what the different types of classes of bikes there are both today and historically. Today obviously sport bike, chopper, cruiser, touring, what else? Also, in the past it seems there werent as many choices were there? Would Cafe Cruiser be like an old...
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    Do you know of any cool gadgets or gift ideas for people who ride the train to work?

    I used to ride the train downtown Chicago for work and used to always think it would be cool to find a gadget to hold my coffee, read the paper work on the train, whatever. I figured there's probably some gadgets out there that would be handy for people who ride the train. My sister rides the...
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    I found out my daughter has been sneaking around on the internet! Do i have a right

    Spank and 18 your old kid and your libel to get your teeth knockced in.
  7. R

    $300 for 91 Chevy Camaro V8 with rust and damage?

    If you want the car for yourself it's not a bad deal, if you think your going to resell it I think it's a bad idea. A 1991 Camaro isn't worth that much anyway, its not like it's a 78 Camaro. It also doesn't sound like you know too much about cars. Do you have the equipment needed and the...
  8. R

    $300 for 91 Chevy Camaro V8 with rust and damage?

    If you want the car for yourself it's not a bad deal, if you think your going to resell it I think it's a bad idea. A 1991 Camaro isn't worth that much anyway, its not like it's a 78 Camaro. It also doesn't sound like you know too much about cars. Do you have the equipment needed and the...
  9. R

    Do you think alot of people who ask questions about getting a bike want a bike more

    for the image than riding? I like comming on here to ask questions and get good advice, I also like helping people out with experience and knowledge I have. I don't want to knock anyone for wanting to learn about bikes and start riding but just from things people say in their questions I get...
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    Have you dated someone you met on the internet?

    Have you dated someone you met on the internet? Do you think meeting someone on the internet still has a stigma attached to it of being wierd, desperate, etc? I met my gf on the internet but we always tell people we met at a bar. I think internet dating has come along way, ever commercial you...
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    Would you have sex with a guy if he took you on vacation?

    If you answered yes...Would you like to go on vacation?
  12. R

    What kind of red whine would I like?

    I normally am more of a beer guy but recently started getting into wine. I really like Pinot Grisio, I normally buy cheaper stuff like Twin Fin, Bolo, Bella Sera, etc. I was wanting to get into red wine, could someone recommend something I may like? I love pinot grisio as I mentioned, I don't...
  13. R

    how long do you think cruisers or choppers will be around for?

    I would say forever, not sure why your asking this, are you thinking sport bikes will take over the bike scene? I prefer cruisers, I like the look, like the ride, and prefer the image of a cruiser to that of a sport bike. Cruisers will be around forever.