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  1. S

    Why do we have interesting dreams but forget them as soon as we wake up?

    If you have a deep dream, no matter how much you're into the dream, and no matter how long you're into the dream, when you wake up you forget what the dream was all about in just three seconds... but you know it was about something interesting. Why do our minds do that sometimes!
  2. S

    Do you like this knock knock joke?

    Dave: Bob, do you know how to play knock knock? Bob: Yes. Dave: Ok you're going to be the person that says, who's there, and I'll be the one that says knock knock... Knock knock. Bob: Who's there? Dave: Who's Bob: Who's who? Dave: Who's who? I told you; you're the one that says who's...
  3. S

    Can this riddle be solved?

    If you have never told a lie in your life, and you tell someone you're a liar, would you still be telling the truth or would you be a liar?
  4. S

    If God doesn't exist, then why is God always found in all the ancient

    I know that's driving me crazy too. I mean, SOMEBODY WROTE IT DOWN. Flying fruit loops people its common sense! I mean what about atlas holding the earth up?! Or the gold at the end of the rainbow?! What about Zeus?! What about the lockness monster?! WHAT ABOUT SANTA?! SOMEBODY WROTE IT DOWN!
  5. S

    Would you cheat on your spouse/bf or gf if you had ONE chance to sleep with

    Lol me and my boyfriend have a list of 5 celebritys were allowed to sleep with if the opertunity ever presented its self.
  6. S

    How do you spell typografical?

    Is it spelled typografical, or is that an error?