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  1. P

    Have there been any prophecies for the time after 2012?

    Prayerfully read Revelations Daniel and Ezekial for starters
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    what did Jesus Christ say about salvation?
  3. P

    What's the difference between Judaism and Christianity?

    Jesus is the difference
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    Atheists, should I get a Hyundai or a Ford ?

    I'm not an atheist, but a Christian and I wholeheartedly recommend Ford
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    Anyone know where I can find a wiring diagram online for 1996 Chrysler Town
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    Why are their so many conflicting religions?

    In answer to your question about so many conflicting religions; religion is man made
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    Why is there so much war over religion?

    It all started in the garden when Satan tried to deceive God's children
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    This is for the Christian Religion, what do you have to do to get into Heaven?

    We just accept the finished work of Christ on the cross,5;&version=31;
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    Paul's epistles did not contain any references that he meets or sees an...

    He knew about Jesus and persecuted the ones who followed Him until he had a vision of the resurrected Lord
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    Is it fair of me to collectively question all religions simultaneously rather...

    It depends on whether you question them in judgement or if you are seeking the truth you will probably find some truth in each but often you will find a lie wrapped in truth if you want the truth go to Him and ask for He is the way, the truth and the life