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  1. B

    I had a dream i killed Tom Cruise...will God send me to Hell?

    Not at all.Have a Beer and celebrate that you didn't kill him in reality.
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    Is there any significance as to why I was fine without religion as an

    Agnostics have a wide range of choice and that provides them a cushion.Being decisive one way or the other,leaves you with few choices .I don't think that you can ever be a truly religious person in your life.Still,keep an open mind and you may find your way.
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    as a christian,is it wrong to take an oath with someone else?

    Why you Christians are sensitive to every small little thing ?Why can't you live a normal and happy life?oath what some one isn't going to affect your belief system any way.
  4. B

    Spiritually speaking, do you think that people take their religion and...

    Most people take themselves more seriously than their religions and rightly so.After's they who shall be carrying the burden of a myth all their lives as if it is truer than truth itself.
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    To those who love the Lord Jesus Christ...?

    One way of not hating your enemies including Atheists could be to let them take you out for a dinner.Agreed?
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    Who would win in a fight, Jesus Christ or Al Gore?

    Jesus Christ.As a matter of fact,one doesn't have to be even Jesus Christ.Every 4th grader can lick him.
  7. B

    Is it true that answerers/askers in Y! Answers Religion and Spirituality is

    I don't think anybody including you, have carried out any survey to arrive at the figure of 95%.The rest,as they say,is a story(it's for you to believe it or not).
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    Spiritually speaking, what religion are you? And what do you do for a living?

    I am a Hindu and retired.No problem.
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    if you want a country run by religion, move to iran.?

    Sorry,Iran is not run purely by religion but by politics as well.Has separation of church and state worked in America?Not really,as Church wields considerable influence on the politics of the country and no non-believer can aspire for any public office there.
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    Islam in 2025, will be the largest religion?

    It doesn't seem to be possible if we go by the present trends.Only possibility is that it can happen by default.At present,the Christianity has the largest number of followers in the world but a large number of Christians are becoming Atheists/leaving the faith, ever day and at this rate a time...
  11. B

    Why aren't nuclear weapons used?

    These are not conventional weapons but deterrent weapons,which are to be used as the last resort.Moreover,their effect is not localized but can harm a large area due to weather conditions.Lastly.the world opinion is against their use.
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    Global recession,why would you think that way ?

    " That America would come out of recession faster and earlier than European countries".