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  1. C

    Lord of the rings Trilogy First much is it worth?

    What does the publish date in the actual books say? Because they were first printed in 1954-55, not 1973. If they're from '73, they're something around the 13th printing and not worth too much more than present-day copies.
  2. C

    Is it a sin to be homo but don't act on it?

    Nowhere in the Bible did God destroy the earth because of homosexuality. Why don't you check out this website. I think it can help you out:
  3. C

    Any bet's on which state will be next to legally recognize gay marriage ?

    Mine would be a plausible one (NY). I want my gay friends to be able to get married too.
  4. C

    The evolution religion is stupid?

    That's not a question.
  5. C

    Including credits on a cover letter?

    I've recently been working on a few short stories and have been considering submitting to various fiction magazines. I've never published before but I don't particularly want to lead with that in a cover letter. Would it be appropriate to mention that I'm an English undergraduate and that I've...
  6. C

    If God doesn't exist, then why is God always found in all the ancient

    Judaism was the product of pastural *monotheistic* religions. The first religions believed in animism (the idea that all things have spirits). Most religions before Judaism were polytheistic or had a 'creator-spirit' that was more like Mother Nature than the Christian God.
  7. C

    Any religion should answer this question.?

    I don't know. Won't know until I get there. No one knows, dear. You're only going to get opinions no matter how many times you ask. Live your life and worry about it later.
  8. C

    which is the oldest religion in the world?

    Oldest form of worship is animism. Oldest major religion, I believe Judaism.
  9. C

    People turn to Religion because Reality is to degrading and upsetting?

    Sometimes. I think that it's intellectually lazy to try to oversimplify and overgeneralize statements but that's certainly up to you to do so.
  10. C

    what do you think about Wicca religion?

    There are real Wiccans and there are teenagers who like to think it's hip to be Wiccan. It's an interesting faith, but you have to be truly prepared for it and dedicated to really understand it.
  11. C

    Here in America, how can we go about getting a federal ban on all

    I think the problem with people that think like you are that you miss the whole point of choice. You spend so much time talking about how necessary free choice is and God gave us free choice for a reason, but then you want to do your damnedest to make sure no one ever has a choice in any...
  12. C

    science proved, years ago, that traveling into the future is possible <= true or...

    Theoretically true, currently physically impossible. Has to do with light-speed and black holes and such. P.S. Science as an entity has never proven anything. Scientists, however, have gathered research that suggests probability.
  13. C

    Why do people claim that Islam is the fastest growing religion in the world?

    I wouldn't trust a Christian website to give a non-biased picture on religion. I'll try to look up other sources for you. EDIT:
  14. C

    Why do people claim that Islam is the fastest growing religion in the world?

    I wouldn't trust a Christian website to give a non-biased picture on religion. I'll try to look up other sources for you. EDIT:
  15. C

    " Science and Religion are partners." Einstein. Do you agree?

    Personally, I agree -- there is nothing more spiritually marvelous to me than scientific knowledge about the world. I have never found science to be in conflict with any of my beliefs, and if anything, it strengthens them. For the world at large, I cannot agree that everyone should be...
  16. C

    Why do you believe in your religion?

    The same. It 'fits' me perfectly. I've definitely had epiphanies about it, but I try to shy away from labeling them as religious experiences.