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  1. C

    help litter training rabbit?

    Rabbits do not respond to discipline when it comes to pooping. You are always going to find stray poops about! They do between 200-300 poops a day, if they were all going to be in one place they'd have to spend all day there! Concentrate on litter training for pee. At least you can just sweep...
  2. C

    can i move my indoor rabbit outdoors?

    To be honest I would give it at least until April, I'm in Hertfordshire and the temperature is just fluctuating too much at the moment, my outdoor buns water bowl had ice in it this week! And indoor bun will not have the fur cover to cope with single figures or freezing temperatures. She can...
  3. C

    Is there any other fish that would go well in my tank?

    Any "small" fish would be eaten by your other inhabitants. Leave it as is, as the fish mature you may begin to have problems anyway and need to rehome some fish. If that Salmontail Catfish is Arius leptaspis, it needs more like an 8-10ft tank anyway!
  4. C

    Help PLEASE NEED HELP lol?

    Leave the pH, 7.6 is absolutely fine. Trying to meddle with it is more likely to kill your fish than leaving it as is! As for the nitrite, do a partial water change, leaving it high for any length of time will burn the fish's gill tissue. edit: Yes, do a partial water change still, leaving it...
  5. C

    Can you tell me what kind of fish this is by my description?

    Like this: If so, that's a Blood Parrot Cichlid, it's a hybrid created in Asia, the deformities vary but it characteristcally has a deformed mouth it cannot close. These are often found to be a victim of the cruel dyed/tattooed fish...
  6. C

    what is the common name for the african cichlid fish Ps. Elongatus?

    With african cichlids, researching with the latin name is far easier than any common name. Every cichlid will have its own latin name while a common name can be applied to several. Common names are only invented by pet stores anyway! Use the latin name to research instead.
  7. C

    Does anyone have a fish n flush?

    The trouble with this "fad" tanks is they're often expensive yet small in volume and difficult to maintain. The "fish n flush" actually only equates to about 3-4 gallons of water in terms of volume, it's narrow and tiny, meaning not much at all can be stocked, especially not the goldfish it...
  8. C

    Does anyone have a fish n flush?

    The trouble with this "fad" tanks is they're often expensive yet small in volume and difficult to maintain. The "fish n flush" actually only equates to about 3-4 gallons of water in terms of volume, it's narrow and tiny, meaning not much at all can be stocked, especially not the goldfish it...
  9. C

    i put my pregnant fish in breeder box, but no fry?

    Breeding boxes cause expectant mothers EXTREME stress, chances are she aborted the fry and ate whatever was left. Don't use breeder boxes and you'll get fry. Put dense plants like java moss in the tank for fry to hide in and you can put them in separate tanks or in a fry net within the tank...
  10. C

    How long do beta fish live?

    Generally 3-5 years for the average ornamental Betta splenden. Mine have been around the 4 year mark when they've died. Lifespan entirely depends on environment though, they're not going to live as long in a poor environment than in a proper one.
  11. C

    How long will it take my fish to die?

    Depends on the volume of the tank - the smaller the volume the quicker the chemistry will skyrocket to toxic levels - it could be a day or it could be a few days but an ammonia spike is inevitable. Read this:
  12. C

    What type of fish is best to start a new tank with?

    Fishless cycle it for a few weeks, once the parameters are correct (not pH, it's ammonia, nitrate and nitrite that are more important) then you can stock with fish. In a 10g you are limited however. Cycling:
  13. C

    what fish shoud i gett ?

    Have you cycled the tank? No fish until it's cycled! Shrimp are ok if the tank is a good few months mature and whatever fish you choose aren't going to bully or eat them. Read this stocking guide: Http://
  14. C

    i have a fish tht seems like a goldfish to me its red spotted and white i need to

    Goldfish come in a variety of shapes and colours. See pics here: Red spots can be two things, colouration OR septicaemia, which is a nasty bacterial infection. Inactivity can be a sign of water quality issues, Goldfish need well filtered and mature...
  15. C

    i have a fish tht seems like a goldfish to me its red spotted and white i need to

    Goldfish come in a variety of shapes and colours. See pics here: Red spots can be two things, colouration OR septicaemia, which is a nasty bacterial infection. Inactivity can be a sign of water quality issues, Goldfish need well filtered and mature...
  16. C

    Can I keep these fish with my discus (the water is set to the discus)?

    Angels can work, but not all the time, they would need enough space should they want territories separate from each Discus. Corys are entirely peaceful and fine with Discus. Clown Loaches however will get very large and may well be too active and boisterous for the slow-moving Discus...
  17. C

    hi fin bull sharks and the rest of our tropical fish are dieing????*Help us PLEASE*?

    White bubble looking stuff sounds like a fungal infection or the deadly columnaris. Test the water parameters and make sure nothing is off there. Do you have a latin name for your "hi fin bull sharks"? That is a common name invented by a pet shop, I can bet you money they're not sharks! I'm...
  18. C

    hi fin bull sharks and the rest of our tropical fish are dieing????*Help us PLEASE*?

    White bubble looking stuff sounds like a fungal infection or the deadly columnaris. Test the water parameters and make sure nothing is off there. Do you have a latin name for your "hi fin bull sharks"? That is a common name invented by a pet shop, I can bet you money they're not sharks! I'm...
  19. C

    what type of Eel fits my circumstance?

    Electric Eels (the ones that can "shock") would be very hard and expensive to come by as well as needing massive tanks (like over 200 gallons). Other "Eels" are not electric. Common "Eels" you'll see include Spiny Eels like the Fire Eel - need 75 gallons bare minimum, ideally more like 100...
  20. C

    Question for gold fish owners?

    As far as the Goldfish is concerned he's got a bottomless bit of stomach. In truth, they don't actually have a stomach - just modified intestines. It is the primary goal of all fish to find food, they will constantly hunt, graze and search for tidbits. That is natural. Do not feel the need to...