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  1. Z

    Should government be able to ban McDonald's from putting toys in happy meals?

    NO and they should not be able to tell us what to feed our kids in school lunches either, but this is what happening, socialism or communism, the same, just spelled different. Dictatorship.
  2. Z

    Is anyone sick of Americans driving big trucks/suv/hummers around town?

    Been to brainwashing school much or just a fan of Bill Maher, that far left idiot. Al Gore pollutes the air in one day more than a million people will in a year. I will keep my Big Truck, SUV and 2 hummers, cause it is no one Else's business how I spend my money or what i drive. Only one...
  3. Z

    Obama told us that the health care mandate is not a tax. Why are they arguing in...

    Unconstitutional is what obama care is, period. obama always lies, changes hie stories, guess he thinks all the americans are gonna believe his lies again, but half of us did not the first time and will not a second time. Yep, the Liar in chief, bad for America.
  4. Z

    Why do liberals whine about Rush?

    Libs hate the truth, cause they are so use to lies.
  5. Z

    Would Hillary have blamed the secret service men or White House Social...

    Rogers is a friend of Obama, from Chicago, and he will not let her take the blame. Remember the professor friend and the cop. BO will cover her butt and call the Security there stupid, but only because they got caught, letting her friends in, she was friends with the couple . Keep watching...
  6. Z

    Has Nancy Pelosi been enhanced? I am a lib but I do find this topic...

    She has had so many face lifts that dimple in her chin is her belly button. The reason she is hot is not her looks, it is because she just left home in hell , and is really satan in disguise.
  7. Z

    What do you think about this prediction for a possible 2010 double recession?

    That is why Obama was put into office, he is not the WON, he was not elected, he was SELECTED, and millions bought it. Obama is there to destroy this country, period. He needs to be Impeached ... NOW.
  8. Z

    Why is barely anyone reporting that toyota announced that they are closing a

    Because the Media is Liberal bias and Obama probably told them to not report it, cause he did not get to bail them out and take over it like he did others. Because Obama is suppose to have had all them shovel ready jobs ready to go and didn't, he lied. Besides he does not want any one to know...
  9. Z

    If anyone who is against health reform because they are listening to rants like

    N.Y Times is far left Liberal, they make up a lot of lies for the lefties, they covered up for the Clinton's and they are covering up for the Sicko in office now. I believe that the N.Y Times is only good to wipe my behind with, they are pure 100% trash news.Amazing how them Liberals can make...
  10. Z

    Conspiracy theorists, can you form a good theory on this one.?

    Democrat Racketeering, Clinton is the one who said "do it", even to people that could not afford it. Blame Clinton.
  11. Z

    Are democrats whining and moaning about the unfairness doctrine?

    They want to sensor everyone except themselves. They hate it when the truth is told, and no one can hear their lies.
  12. Z

    How many drones will follow Hollywood in pledging allegiance to Obama?

    No way, they are just a bunch of rich dope head and alcoholics, and I have my own religion, which does not approve of the celebs crap. Throughout the campaign no one was allowed to criticize Barack Obama. The first time an unkind word was uttered the claims of racism were made. Now I admit that...
  13. Z

    Rumor leaked from Obama's transition tem has it ?

    I think that might be just one of his " I have a dream" idea's.
  14. Z

    Would Obama make a impression that he is like an celebrity?

    Oh yes and entitled. In his mind he is a famous celebrity, wonder how many of them Anti-Israel rioters will be there, they been at his home raising all sorts of hel*. Read that this morning on yahoo news website.
  15. Z

    Is the TV show "Dexter" a conspiracy of govt mind control?

    A person needs to be able to tell the difference in real life and a film made for entertainment, if they can not, they need to read more and stop watching movies and TV. I buy nothing you said.