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  1. F

    What does it mean when a guy introduces you to his best guy friend?

    like after you have been getting to know him for a while, he invites the girl to meet his friend
  2. F

    if a guy introduces a girl to his friends?

    if a girl and a guy are just becoming good friends and he introduces her to his close group of friends does that mean he likes her or what?
  3. F

    guys, why would you not talk to a girl for about a month when you like her?

    busy most likely?
  4. F

    If a guy is comfortable around you how can you tell he is interested?

    like if you have gotten to know each other well enough to be comfortable
  5. F

    How often do guys text a girl they are interested in?

    what about girls that are just friends?
  6. F

    In what comic does wolverine burn to his skeleton? I've seen pictures, but...

    ...I wanna read it!? Series and issue number (or a direct link to the marvel digital comics) Thanks =D
  7. F

    What's a useful place to volunteer in graphic design for a newbie (no... yet)? And will they take me in for volunteering? Am starting my degree courses this summer. Thanks guys. Any suggestions will really help. By "no degree", I meant no GD degree. I do have my degrees in psychology though.
  8. F

    in pokemon platinum how do you get the ability pickup to pick up an item?

    Don't think its possible (enless its like a level 100 combee where it picks up random honey)
  9. F

    How does this PC gaming rig look?

    Looks alright to me. Better than mine and I reach 200fps np. Have fun.
  10. F

    I can not open my internet opptions!?

    Just try right clicking next to help, the right side of help? If you have firefox, this works. Not sure about IE or any other browser.
  11. F

    If you put songs off of iTunes onto a cd does it change the file format to mp3?

    Yes or no answers please (and if no, how would you change the format) and question #2: how do you put the songs on the CD? (there is a reason behind all these questions, just don't want to explain it. and No, i don't have itunes to test this on)
  12. F

    why are my fish at the bottom on their side?

    did you put the drops in the water to get all the stuff out of it? and they could have just been sickly fish (my brother managed to kill his first one in 2 hours and his 2nd one in a day and 1/2)
  13. F

    what should i get an iphone 3g, a ds lite, guitar hero 4 for the wii or rock band 2

    for the wii? help me? its for my graduation gift
  14. F

    What are the basic materials needed for first-aid when someone gets a wound? ?

    Suppose, someone falls down and has a gash with some bleeding, how would you go about treating it? What material comes after what when taking care of the wound? What is the process like starting with the first step? Thank you guys.
  15. F

    My workplace has Excel 2003, however my home computer has Excel 2007. Is there a...

    ...way to..? use Excel 2003 at home as I need to practice on 2003? Any suggestions? Thanks guys.
  16. F

    think of trading my wii for an xbox 360 or Ps3?

    So I only used the wii for the internet. Also I like final fantasy kingdom hearts, and other rpgs. My mother gave me one as a present, because I got really good grades (all A's) on my report card. I have three games including Animal Crossing, Super Mario, Mario Kart, and three games on the wii...
  17. F

    hi,i have type2 diabetes.i'm worried about my continued lose of weight.i'm

    taking oral meds for diabetes and? my blood sugar is under control at the moment