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  1. A

    O me o my o dear! If the Religious Right renames themselves, however will we...

    They will still stink like the Christian right. It will be easy to detect them.
  2. A

    why do many Americans get duped by this born again religion and the

    It explains why America got hijacked by the neo cons.
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    Atheists are told often enough to respect other religions. Should atheists respect...

    ...something that seems? so ludicrous? If we respect something that has no basis in logic, should we also respect fortune tellers, astrologists, and the crazy neighbours next door?
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    How do people in this day and age still believe in God and religion?

    They are fearful of many things. Fearful of thinking is one of their greatest sins.
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    Why do you believe in your religion?

    And yet believe another religion is total baloney. Why don't you believe in Osiris and Horus, Or Thor, or Vishnu, or Zeus?
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    Is Hollywood aware of how evil and godless it is? Why can't it be stopped? lol.?

    I agree, lets go back to witch hunts and the McCArthy era.
  7. A

    How do U think religion shapes culture?

    Stops real progress from happening. Please view the short youtube vid. It is quite enlightening