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  1. S

    POLL: What Was The Last Thing That Made You Laugh?

    something my cousin had said to me.
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    Quick Trivia for Polls and Answers!?

    question 1 - napoleon dynamite question 2 - stephen harper question 3 - shia labeouf question 4 - penguins question 5 - harry potter & the half blooded prince.
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    Quick Trivia for Polls and Answers!?

    question 1 - napoleon dynamite question 2 - stephen harper question 3 - shia labeouf question 4 - penguins question 5 - harry potter & the half blooded prince.
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    quiz time 10 points you know the drill?

    black rose immortal by opeth.
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    POLL: Do you agree with my statements of children and teens using cellphones?

    first answer by "Beth" is so right. this is p&s we're not gonna care about your arguments over the pros & cons of whether or not young children should have cellphones. i stopped reading after i read duh.
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    Poll: Do you smoke cigarettes?

    nope, i don't smoke cigarettes & i don't plan on.
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    What is the last thing on the internet that made you laugh?

    a scene from how i met your mother.
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    Poll: Comcast Cable TV OR DirecTV Satellite TV?

    i have direct tv.
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    Poll: Comcast Cable TV OR DirecTV Satellite TV?

    i have direct tv.
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    Sony,toshiba or samsung?

    sony for both (:
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    Have you seen any of the new Lincoln pennies yet?

    nope, not yet. at least i don't think i have. i never actually look at my change. i shall start looking now !
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    Survey: What Internet Browser are you using now?

    i'm using firefox right now.
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    do you remember how you met your best friend?

    i can only remember how i met one of my best friends. she sat in front of me in gym class & one day she turned around and said hi, i have so many bruises on my leg & from there that was our first conversation (:
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    Do you think that someone is racist if they hate taco bell?

    why would someone be labeled racist if they hate taco bell ? my friend doesn't like taco bell all that much, but she is in no way racist.
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    Survey:: What was the last thing you put in your mouth?.............?

    my thumb. but food wise it was popcorn.
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    Survey:: What was the last thing you put in your mouth?.............?

    my thumb. but food wise it was popcorn.
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    anyone up for a trivia question?

    which is the most sung song nationally (=
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    Poll: Which celebrity do you like?

    1. miley cyrus 2. britney spears 3. zac efron 4. johnny depp 5. nick jonas 6. jesse mccartney 7. rihanna