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  1. D

    Torrent files.. advice please?

    There are lot of them but these two are the fastest and lightest on resources.
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    Something is wrong with my sound on the pc, it sounds all static. Anybody know how...

    if you can still hear the song, but with plenty of static, try cleaning the jack and the plug-hole with a bit of alcohol. if it is totally static, try switching the audio device in Control Panel.
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    USB U3 flash drive problem help?

    let me guess you probably has a sandisk cruzer... anyway, go to their website and find the program call u3 launchpad remover. run it and you will have full use of the drive.
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    Australian Government To Filter Internet?

    Talk about controlled state! Australia is slowly moving towards a bleak technological tomorrow. With the introduction of this filters I believe the government is going to find that many overseas students are going to choose not to enter Australia for studies anymore. And also, they are some...
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    can someone tell me how to obtain internet connection from my neighbours main DSL

    you should not do that it is considered theft and you can be charged in court for it.
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    2001 VW Jetta. Why does my check engine light come on?

    You might have electrical problems. Have it checked out by a mechanic.