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  1. D

    Replacing tank for a bigger tank but I don't have room for both. Where do I put the

    It depends how big they are because if they are big fish and there are a lot of them it will be stressful.
  2. D

    How much does it cost a month to..................?

    care for a horse that lives on your land. (Not including start-up costs.) In dollars.
  3. D

    Can You Identify This Fish ?

    It's body shape is like a damsel. I mean the orange one. The yellow one is a yellow tang.
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    Is a 10 gallon fish tank good enough for guppies?

    That setup could hold up to 5 male guppies.
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    can i mix 5 tiger barbs with 4 blackskirt tetras?

    Add 3 more blackskirt tetras and it will probably be good. Are there any other fish, though?
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    can i mix 5 tiger barbs with 4 blackskirt tetras?

    Add 3 more blackskirt tetras and it will probably be good. Are there any other fish, though?
  7. D

    can i mix 5 tiger barbs with 4 blackskirt tetras?

    Add 3 more blackskirt tetras and it will probably be good. Are there any other fish, though?
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    what are some cool water pets? like cool fish?

    Bettas Shrimp Snails
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    Fish troubles. HELP! Tank Size, Fish Breed.?

    That is normal for goldfish (which I'm assuming they are) when they are born their silverish and turn orange as they get bigger.
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    Need Ideas for my new fish tank?

    You need to have at least 6 neon tetras and preferably at least 6 cory cats. The Set-Up: 6 neon tetras 1 betta 5 small cory cats
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    Help!!! My saltwater fish is in trouble!?

    Add another butterfly fish.
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    I was given 6.5 gallon hexagon fish tank for Christmas. ?

    You can add 1 more, but anything after that would make it overcrowded.
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    I was given 6.5 gallon hexagon fish tank for Christmas. ?

    You can add 1 more, but anything after that would make it overcrowded.
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    How do Male Beta Fish die?

    2-3 years
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    Putting a fish tank near a window?

    The sun could overheat the tank.
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    What kind of fish should i put in a fresh water 3 gallon tank?

    You can have 2 female bettas, but they might not get along because of the size of the tank (small) and the number of bettas (they get along better when you have at least 4.)
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    which fish should i get?

    Set-Up #1 3 sailfin mollies Set-Up #2 pleco male betta 2 zebra danios
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    Do you think a porcupine puffer, jewel puffer, clown fish and goby would

    As long as there are lots of hiding places yes. You might even want to add more clownfish because they usually live in pairs.
  19. D

    What types of fish would be best in a 20 gallon fresh water fish tank?

    more tetras. u need to have at least 6 of each species. different species will not school together and they are healthiest and happiest in a school.