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  1. T

    When downloading a torrent using BitTorrent,The torrent being Windows 7...

    if its going to take a week to download, your internet connection is too slow
  2. T

    free mp3 to mp4 converter?

    mp4 is a video format... mp3 is audio
  3. T

    When will everyone realise that a Mac is a PC?

    As soon as they realize Linux is also a Personal Computer More likely: its is because software developers put For PC on the side of software boxes for Windows, and For Mac on the side of software boxes for mac. So it may actually be: PC = Windows Personal Computer = Computer for personal use
  4. T

    When we pause the torrent downloading in utorrent and shutdown the computer

    yes it will start in the same place
  5. T

    free bittorrent music?

    Its illegal, don't do it. (unless there is a bit torrent site with free legal music...)
  6. T

    if i download something form the Internet that i should not download......?

    what do you mean by "should not download"? Illegal? If you think it could get you in trouble with the law, don't do it.
  7. T

    Why are internet users so smart?

    Everyone on the internet is not a genius, they just like saying they are (which may be why they have bad grammar).
  8. T

    Hey, when i download a different internet browser like firefox or google chrome,

    I believe you mean the program runs out of room to install in. Un-install some some programs you don't use. Delete any large files that you don't need. And if you still don't have enough room, get a bigger hard drive.
  9. T

    How can I get the new version of Internet Explorer? Its always good to keep your computer updated!