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    Can I persuade my friend to be bisexual or lesbian?

    No you are born with your sexual orientation. No one can change their sexuality. NO ONE! Whoever says the contrary is lying. period.
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    I just told my friend I was bisexual and now he won't talk to me =(?

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    Is it true that gay men do not have an?

    WTF!!?? Do you know what homosexuality is??? Homosexuality refers to a group pf people who are sexually attracted to the same sex. Gay men for example are only sexually attracted to other men so it only makes sense that they will ONLY get an erection with men (since that is the only gender they...
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    im getting shrooms for me and my friend. how much should i spend so we can...

    45 bucks gives you a good amount. The stems give you the feeling part of the trip and the mushroom (top part) gives you the visual part of the trip... So a good combination of shrooms and stems will give you a good trip.
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    why is my brother so gay?

    I'm sure he's smarter and more intelligent than you!!!! You'll be working for him one day!
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    why is my brother so gay?

    I'm sure he's smarter and more intelligent than you!!!! You'll be working for him one day!
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    If a man pierces his nipples, does that mean he is gay?

    Why Are You Stereotyping Piercings Now? Get A Life.
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    i am so confused about my sexuality ?

    Look within and ask yourself if you are sexually attracted to both sexes, if so you are bisexual. If you are only sexually attracted to females then you are a lesbian. If you are only sexually attracted to men, then you are a typical boring straighty. See, is not that hard........Knowing your...
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    I'm head over heals for a guy who appears to be denying his own sexuality,...

    You cannot force him to love you. If he is not ready or if he doesn't want to there's nothing you can do about it. Are you even sure he's attracted to men???
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    Have you ever had an embarrassing gay experience?

    My mom caught me masturbating my dad when I was 14! (no really) It was the worst day of my life and his too!
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    What's the best gay joke?

    Your momma is so gay she had a gay kid! hahahahahahaha Hilarious.
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    Do any of you 13-16 year olds even know if you are really gay?

    I knew I was gay when I was 9 years old! You are never too young to realize your sexuality. I had crushes on boys when I was in the 2nd grade! If straight people are never too young to realize there sexuality why should we be too young, you know?
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    Which Celebrities are gay or Bi?? including the teenage ones?

    Lindsay Lohan & Angelina Jolie are bisexual.