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  1. M

    How much PDA is acceptable at a beach?

    Generally holding hands, hugging, cuddling, and giving a quick kiss is about the limit. You don't want to be grinding against each other and making out.
  2. M

    Spiritually, Did anyone else have this premonition?

    What you fail to realize is that atheists can be spiritual people, as spirituality has nothing to do with religion. So your attempt to exclude me form your question demonstrates an additional level of stupidity on your part (the first believing in gods and interdimensional beings). You also...
  3. M

    Is the Healthcare Bill just a massive Tax Hike to screw Americans?

    What makes you say it's against the will of the people? If that were true there would be a huge number of recall elections being organized. Do you know of any? Just because you don't personally like it doesn't mean you should have your way. You're in the minority, obviously. As is your...
  4. M

    can i secede from the united states?

    Yeah, just find some other country to issue you a visa and get the hell out. Simple.
  5. M

    LDS is it true you avoid caffeine, alcohol, and nicotine?

    They call it the Word of Wisdom. Pretty much the avoidance of mind-altering substances. You're supposed to take care of the body god gave you. Of course that doesn't explain the hefty Mormons I've seen.
  6. M

    reasons to complain about a bitchy neighbor?

    Just because she's bitchy doesn't mean she's not right. I don't think "it will take me an extra 30 seconds" is a valid excuse for not using a sidewalk. Given that, most property lines include a city easement, and even though it appears her property goes all the way to the street, that portion...
  7. M

    CT Scan was normal so what could be wrong with me?

    If you have a lot of floaters you should see an ophthalmologist. It could be a vision problem, which can cause a great many kinds of headaches of which some cause ringing in the ears.
  8. M

    TurboTax, I show $5950 standard deduction in my 2008 return. Do I have

    No, that is the standard deduction that the IRS allows as the amount the average person needs to feed and clothe themselves. The one you have to pay back is the first time home buyers credit, is if applies to you. That is spread out over the next 15 years or when you sell the house. I'm...
  9. M

    TurboTax, I show $5950 standard deduction in my 2008 return. Do I have

    No, that is the standard deduction that the IRS allows as the amount the average person needs to feed and clothe themselves. The one you have to pay back is the first time home buyers credit, is if applies to you. That is spread out over the next 15 years or when you sell the house. I'm...
  10. M

    What is and what is not a DVR? (Kinda long.)?

    I'm having a bit of a debate with some online acquaintances. I asked a question that never got answered because they ran off on some know-it-all tangent that what I was calling a DVR was not a DVR but a DVD recorder. I'm not sure what the distinction is, and I really don't think there is one...
  11. M

    Can US Postal Workers who delivery mail via mail truck smoke while delivering mail? ?

    It depends on if he's a contractor to the postal service. I'm not100% certain, but I don't think you're allowed to smoke in government vehicles just like government buildings. But contractors own their own vehicles and may be able to do as they please, but I agree that wouldn't be a good idea...
  12. M

    what do I need when picking up an item at the USPS?

    You need your photo ID if there is any package tracking on it. Something with your current address.
  13. M

    how and where to give complain on a furniture store?

    Call the store and ask to speak to the manager. Remind them that they were called immediately upon delivery of the furniture and were told that they would be replaced, not repaired. If they refuse to do it, write a letter to the main office. My experience with Ashley is that they don't keep a...
  14. M

    Camero or Trans Am (Poll)?

    Just a random poll.
  15. M

    How can I ask my gf to give me a Hummer? (not the car)?

    You can sure tell when the juveniles get out of school. If she wanted anything to do with that stanky thang, she've done it already.
  16. M

    How can I ask my gf to give me a Hummer? (not the car)?

    You can sure tell when the juveniles get out of school. If she wanted anything to do with that stanky thang, she've done it already.
  17. M

    When (what year) did Internet porn start?

    Whenever the internet started. Whatever new communication medium comes along, someone immediately starts sending dirty pictures. All the way back to cave drawings. I was online in '91, and it was there. It was more difficult to find, but it was there.
  18. M

    Why can I criticize some ones politics, but not his religion?

    You're mistaken. It is not socially acceptable to criticize politics or religion. They are social taboos.
  19. M

    Why does John Mayer always date celebrities who are other celebrities sloppy

    Like Mayer isn't a sloppy second. I'm surprised anyone dates that skeez at all.