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  1. M

    When should I start feeding my pond garden fish.?

    So you mean that you had you pond over the winter and now that summer is coming back you want to know when to feed ? Well I feed mine all through the winter because I keep Koi and most fish are not like my native fish that hibernate. If you pond is open and theirs no more Ice throw in some...
  2. M

    What fish will be right for a 6.6 gallon tank?

    Dwarf Puffer, here's a link. You can keep 1 of them and a couple of Otto's in a 6.5 gallon tank if you put plants and a heater in it. Good Luck
  3. M

    37 gallon fish tank, set up questions: stocking, heater, filter?

    Well first off your 15 isn't overstocked but its good your giving them more room now. What fish wouldn't like that right ? The 350 is a good to choose on the filter and the heater you will need at least a 200W. 150w heaters are for 20 -30 gallon tanks and you have a 37. More is better with...
  4. M

    Can snails infect fish with Lymphocystis ?

    Yes, snails are real good carryers of Lymphocystis. Its not for sure that he got it too but he could.
  5. M

    Would you still buy from this fish store?

    If that's the case and you know they stick back fish that are returned that means they don't really care about the quality of their live stock. I wouldn't buy any fish from this store, but you can tell just by looking at fish if they are sick or not. If you know what your looking at that is. If...
  6. M

    Religion breeds Ignorance,separatism and hypocrisy !?

    Just like the title says, that's not debatable btw, its a fact. Watch this interview with Richard Dawkins and then the discussion afterwords. Listen to the Rev. talk about gays and how Atheists are "ok" as long as they don't try to make other people believe the same. Cus religion never did...
  7. M

    Favorite Freshwater Angelfish?

    Black Angelfish always caught my eye as a cool different type of angel. Although they have a rep for not being hardy but if you buy local like I do then your ok. What I mean by that is buy angels from a local breeder or fish club so not only are they hardy and used to you waters PH but you know...
  8. M

    is my tank large enough for my fish?

    90 gallons should be big enough for these guys. When I say these guys I mean the pleco lol. If you can though get the 120 gallon tank. It doesn't take up that much more room and is around the same price if you can find it on sale. Good Luck
  9. M

    fish ich disease question?

    No, read here and Treat with salt not meds. The meds may stress fish enough to kill them if its a bad out break. Best of luck.,1285.0.html Read the whole thing.
  10. M

    20 Gallon Fish SETUP!!!?

    That's fine, as long as they are not big enough to eat the Neon's. Good Luck
  11. M

    i have a question on what type of fish i have,,,,,?

    That's not a description really lol. Its got a double fin and its a fish is all I have to go on ???? Post a link to a picture of it and I can tell you what it is.
  12. M

    i have a question on what type of fish i have,,,,,?

    That's not a description really lol. Its got a double fin and its a fish is all I have to go on ???? Post a link to a picture of it and I can tell you what it is.
  13. M

    What kind of fish to get?

    All fish require maintenance. Do you have a heater for this 30 gallon tank ? You could get a group of about 7 Tiger Barbs if you have a heater. Yes ditch the goldfish, that many can't even be housed in a 125 gallon tank when grown up let alone a 30. Those tiny little goldfish that you have now...
  14. M

    Cleaning fish tank accessories ?

    Albino Bristol Nose Pleco,%20Plecoctomus,%20Bristlenose.htm
  15. M

    What should I feed my new rescue fish?

    Ya you wll need a bigger tank, The Golden sharks are just albino forms of the Rainbow shark and grow about 8 inch's. The pleco assuming its a common can grow between 1-2 feet. The upside down catfish will get to about 4 inch's each and the shovel-nose Catfish can get to be anywhere between 1...