Search results

  1. J

    Is it possible to be allergic to religion?

    ...I'm getting all this pinkish rashes that itch real bad. Fortunately, lemons not included. Should I git the hell outta here?
  2. J

    Why do some christians preach to atheists, and then complain when the

    in the words of John Lemon, "don't wear a big hat if you head is not that big!"
  3. J

    Why are questions about squeezing lemons allowed but....?

    not so for those about squeezing my cousins, the melons?
  4. J

    Would you like to join my Religion?

    Have a lemonade.
  5. J

    does anyone else feel comfortable internet dating as I do?

    I'm open to discussions.
  6. J

    Isn't religion the world's biggest con job?

    ...messengers or prophets of god are big time con men, right? ....and believers all fell for 'the sting' called miracles? ...and all of them ended up paying tithes to believe in something that doesn't exist.