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  1. G

    rumours being spread about me?

    Clean up your language and calm down. Why are you listening to rumors and gossip? What do you care what anyone thinks? The important thing is that you know what is true and if others are smart enough, they will not listen to rumors and just ask you about it if they really want to know...
  2. G

    My 1st cousin wants ME to have SEX with her, please help?

    You're both children and acting like it. It sounds like she may have something wrong with her mentally. You have to continue to say no and be blunt. Don't let her get all over you. And yes I think you should tell your parents...tell them you're scared and that you don't know what is going on but...
  3. G

    I feel trapped under my parental control..and I feel I'm loosing connection

    Well, it sounds like you are trying to do what you need to do....get a job, save money, move out, get your own place or move in with roommates. It takes time but that is what you have to do in order to be independent. And don't use the lack of a car as an excuse....many people commute to and...
  4. G

    girlfriends mom treating her like a kid?

    Is your girlfriend living with her mother? If that is a yes then her mother has every right to treat her that way. She's also her mother, which means she's going to want to know where her child is at (it doesn't matter if she's 19) and cares about her more than you could ever know or...
  5. G

    Why Do I always have to be in rumors! help! ?

    Why are you listening to rumors? They are usually not true and passed around by people who just want to create drama and have nothing else better to do. Don't listen to rumors. Do not believe in what friend said to whom and what other friend's friend, etc. If you want to know the truth about...
  6. G

    trouble with my controlling father?

    You're under 18 so you're stuck there unless you have family or friends you can stay with. Talk to other people besides child protective services....there is help out there, unfortunately you just have to keep looking.