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  1. N

    15 year old bedtime for summer vacation?

    Obey your father.
  2. N

    15 year old bedtime for summer vacation?

    Obey your father.
  3. N

    What is a good projector for a home theater for a cheap price?

    "Good" and "Cheap" don't belong in the same sentence. You'll have to settle for one or the other. Good or cheap.
  4. N

    Received a bill of $2,500 for l month from Bell Canada, Que.?

    Your phone your calls your bill anyone with half a brain knows that 900 calls are not free
  5. N

    How do I get lead out of mechanical pencil sharpener?

    You're not suppose to sharpen mechanical pencils. A mechanical type sharpener is one that has a handle that you turn. I believe you are asking about an electrical sharpener, right? Just keep jamming another pencil in it, eventually the lead will come out.
  6. N

    who loves they're jeep?

    "their" jeep, not "they're" jeep and my brother loves his
  7. N

    Will the owner of a White Pontiac Thunderbird...?

    no such thing as a pontiac thunderbird
  8. N

    I will be cancelling my Dish Network satellite service next month.?

    I don't know if it is technically possible, don't know if it records from the satellite feed or from the tv. If it is physically possible I don't believe it would be illegal.
  9. N

    What do you really think of Obama so far?

    The same thing i've thought about him from the beginning. He's a slick talking huckster that'll do his best to run this country into the ground.
  10. N

    how to increase battery life on motorola Q9 ?

    No, you cannot increase your battery life.
  11. N

    Who else is relieved that Israel is finally responding to those terrorists from

    I would feel more relief if Israel let the Palestinians alone, stopped the blockade and gave back all the land that they have stolen over the last few decades.
  12. N

    I know a lot of you answered my last question. This is still about the lil 8 year

    Only if you want to spend the next 30 years in prison.
  13. N

    Can I get screwed over from checking the sale price on a stolen good tag?

    If you know its stolen then you are guilty of receiving stolen property and you should get "screwed".