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  1. T

    If you eat your jesus fish without cooking it first is it considered sushi..?

    I keep breaking my chopstix from trying to pry it off the car in the parking lot..
  2. T

    What fashion trend do you hate?

  3. T

    Which gesture is creepier, at a business greeting?

    1- the star trek vulcan hand V thing 2- the boyscout salute or 3- the bow that looks like your praying that karate fighters do before a match suggested category: ? Arts & Humanities > Visual Arts > Drawing & Illustration
  4. T

    Have you ever peed off the side of a boat?

    In what body of water?
  5. T

    What can be done about this evil conspiracy....?

    not sure which conspiracy... but I am sure there is one... whats your conspiracy threory? Mine is that all of the people that I interact with on a daily basis are secretly plotting against me .. I mean "Have a nice day".... why, what do you know? whats going to happen? I am on to...