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  1. H

    OBAMA:can we spread it?yes we can!?

    None of your positions sound racist to me. Are you?
  2. H

    Did anyone see the statement McCain made on Economic Stimulus?

    Here is the link to what he said on the Senate floor on Feb 3rd. I read the whole thing, and no matter what your political affilliation is, I think the man has some very WISE (yes, years of bipartisan voting records that angered many GOP over his...
  3. H

    Why is the media anti-Israel?

    Some are reporting the apartheid and human rights violations and others are still saying the Palestinians deserve it. Just depends on who is speaking. Journalists truly should only speak facts and report a story in full. They really should not add to propaganda. When did journalism change to...
  4. H

    Why palestinians shoot rocket?

    Right on, Sica! It's crazy how people are so racist to say the treatment of Palestinian people is somehow warranted. They just only see what they want to see and can't take the fact that apartheid and human rights violations perpetrated on the Palestinians is absolutely wrong and is the root...